Mad about Madeleine Month: A Wrinkle in Time Giveaway!

February is drawing to a close, and that means spring is almost here, but more importantly, so is the release of the new A Wrinkle in Time movie! The movie opens nation wide on March 9th, 2018!

Not excited yet? Check out the trailer and you will be!

Director Ava DuVernay’s portrayal of L’Engle’s classic story has many people, including me, pretty hyped up. The cast includes Oprah, Reese Witherspoon, Mindy Kaling and Chris Pine, plus Storm Reid as Meg Murry. The movie looks to be an amazing blend of L’Engle’s original story with the creativity and diversity of DuVernay’s long held vision to bring this movie to life.

To celebrate the movie’s release, I’m having a GIVEAWAY. Whoo-hoo. Enter to win one of two prizes. (Yes, two winners!)

Prize 1 – A Wrinkle in Time book – movie edition. The original book with the updated 2018 movie cover. You can read it before you see the movie, or see the movie and then enjoy the story. Either way, you’ll want to hang on to your copy!

Prize 2 – A $15 Fandango movie gift card you can use to purchase your ticket to see the movie! Plus, Fandango is running a sweet deal to nab a free Be A Warrior movie poster when you buy your ticket. So your entry could lead to two cool prizes!

*The Rules*

You must be a resident of the U.S. and 18 or older to enter. Winners will be chosen randomly at the end of the giveaway.

The Mad about Madeleine Wrinkle in Time Giveaway begins March 1, 2018 and ends March 8, 2018. Winners will be notified through information collected by Rafflecopter. I will also post the two winners on my blog on March 8th.

Good luck and please enter below! Thanks for celebrating Mad about Madeleine Month with me!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Giveaway Time: It’s Mad about Madeleine Month!

You GUYS! If you follow me at all, you know I’m a huge admirer of Madeleine L’Engle, both as an author and a person. She’s become a bit of a spiritual guide for me as I pursue my own writing journey. I count 30 books by her on my bookshelf. That’s not obsessive, right…?

I digress. Let’s get to the GIVEAWAYS! Yes, that’s plural. I’m doing a giveaway every week this month in celebration of my love for L’Engle’s writing.

Tomorrow, February 6th, Becoming Madeleine, drops. I’m really looking forward to this biography on Madeleine written by two of her granddaughters, Charlotte Jones Voiklis and Léna Roy. It’s written for a middle grade audience, so right up my alley as a writer of middle grade fiction, but I think it will be a great read for any age.

My copy will be arriving soon, but what about yours? Time for a giveaway! Enter below to win your own copy of Becoming Madeleine.

Tell me what your favorite Madeleine L’Engle book is and why!

The giveaway starts today and will end Sunday, February 11th.

And, stay tuned for more Madeleine themed giveaways this month. Follow me on social media to find out more next week!

Good luck!

**Please note: all entrants must live in the continental U.S. to receive a hard copy or be willing to accept an ebook (Kindle) edition in place of a hard copy if at an international address.**

a Rafflecopter giveaway

GIVEAWAY TIME and Newsletter News!

2016 was a good year here. I know, I know. Political craziness, Standing Rock, continued racial tension and climate change (yes, I said it. 2016 was the warmest year on record, y’all!). Most people weren’t sad to see 2016 go, but for me personally, it was a great year.
I signed a book contract in June with Glass House Press for my young adult series, Dreamers.

My daughter was born in August. We had a wonderful fall celebrating her first season of holidays, topping it off with Christmas with both families.

My husband and I started a new Christmas tradition. Each year, we’ll both pick out a book we’d like her to have, separately, with no restrictions. If I want to give my six month old Tina Fey’s Bossy Pants, that’s my choice. If my husband wants to give her Marshall’s Best Games of Chess, he’s free to do so.

We didn’t, though. Here’s our Christmas choices for her first Christmas. I think we did well. Plus, it was fun to open those books Christmas morning and see what we’d chosen for our girl, since we kept our choices secret.

Finally, early in 2017, I signed a second contract with Glass House Press for my middle grade series, Traders of Incense. This series means so much to me. I can’t wait to tell you more about it.

How do I find when these books will be available? That brings me back to the giveaway!
I’m starting a quarterly newsletter to keep you all informed. Don’t worry. It won’t be more than a friendly seasonal greeting with updates on publishing news, with a few other interesting tidbits thrown in. Plus, if you sign up, you’ll be entered into the giveaway!

I’m giving away a book from an all-time favorite author. If you know me, you’ve already guessed it’s by Madeleine L’Engle. I’ve got a brand new copy of A Swiftly Tilting Planet just waiting for someone to read it. This is L’Engle’s companion to her Newbery winning A Wrinkle in Time and it’s a classic.


But there’s more. I have another brand new copy of Margaret Peterson Haddix’s Under Their Skin. It’s the first in her newest series for middle grade readers. If you’ve never read anything by Haddix, finish this blog, sign up for the giveaway, then go find her work. She has several amazing series that delve into science fiction, mysterious futures and time travel. 

Finally (there’s more? Yup!). How about a $5 gift card from Amazon to top it off? Here’s the deal. I’ll pick two winners by February 14th. Each winner gets a book AND a $5 Amazon gift card.

All for signing up for a 4 time/year (plus maybe one or two extra extra read all about it) newsletters.

Are you in? Good! Just complete the form below and you’re set. I’ll post winners on the blog by February 15th. To win the books, you’ll need to be a U.S. resident.

Thanks in advance for keeping up with me on this publishing journey! I wish ALL of us a wonderful 2017.

Fill out the form below to subscribe to my author news and enter the contest!

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Hello February: Valentine’s Day Giveaway!

FTC Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Wal-Mart, Ghirardelli Chocolate and Josh Cellars Wine. Read on for a chance to win a gift card to celebrate Valentine’s Day!

Valentine's Day Giveaway - Hello February -

Oh February! After a long, cold January, February’s reds, pinks and purples are welcome. Some people don’t enjoy the hype around Valentine’s Day, but I’ve always had a special place in my heart for this day for several reasons. It’s the birthday of two awesome people in my life, one I’m married to, and the other who’s tagged along since I was three and she was born. It’s also a great way to share your love with those who mean the most to you. This February, I get to add one more reason to celebrate. An awesome Valentine’s Day giveaway!

Wal-Mart, Ghirardelli Chocolate and Josh Cellars Wine are partnering to give away two $75 American Express cards. Want to win? There are two easy ways to enter the giveaway. Comment on the blog post below, and earn extra entries through following these companies and me on social media. You’ll have until February 12th to comment and follow for entries through the blog.

@JoshCellars - Hello February -

Let’s have a little fun with the second gift card. How about a Valentine’s Day scavenger hunt to get you ready for the day? First, follow me (@KSMitch17) on Instagram and Twitter. Beginning Friday, February 5th, I’ll post a Valentine’s Day prompt from my accounts. Respond with your answer and you’ll earn an entry towards the second gift card. (You only need to use one account, Instagram or Twitter. I’ll track both.) You can earn one entry each day. Use the hashtags #asweetpairing and #Vdayhunt in your posts. I’ll close the contest Wednesday, February 10th and announce the winners of the two gift cards Friday, February 12th! Winners will be notified by me and receive their prizes directly from the companies.

Ghirardelli - Hello February -

So who’s ready for Valentine’s Day now? To get in the mood, stop by Wal-Mart to pick up some of their fantastic Ghirardelli chocolates. Mmm. Who doesn’t love chocolate for Valentine’s Day? Josh Cellars wine is a perfect pairing, available in many flavors. Enjoy a glass with your loved ones, and don’t forget to sign up for the giveaways!

Good luck and Happy February!

Vday Giveaway - Hello February -


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