2016 was a good year here. I know, I know. Political craziness, Standing Rock, continued racial tension and climate change (yes, I said it. 2016 was the warmest year on record, y’all!). Most people weren’t sad to see 2016 go, but for me personally, it was a great year.
I signed a book contract in June with Glass House Press for my young adult series, Dreamers.
My daughter was born in August. We had a wonderful fall celebrating her first season of holidays, topping it off with Christmas with both families.
My husband and I started a new Christmas tradition. Each year, we’ll both pick out a book we’d like her to have, separately, with no restrictions. If I want to give my six month old Tina Fey’s Bossy Pants, that’s my choice. If my husband wants to give her Marshall’s Best Games of Chess, he’s free to do so.
We didn’t, though. Here’s our Christmas choices for her first Christmas. I think we did well. Plus, it was fun to open those books Christmas morning and see what we’d chosen for our girl, since we kept our choices secret.

Finally, early in 2017, I signed a second contract with Glass House Press for my middle grade series, Traders of Incense. This series means so much to me. I can’t wait to tell you more about it.
How do I find when these books will be available? That brings me back to the giveaway!
I’m starting a quarterly newsletter to keep you all informed. Don’t worry. It won’t be more than a friendly seasonal greeting with updates on publishing news, with a few other interesting tidbits thrown in. Plus, if you sign up, you’ll be entered into the giveaway!
I’m giving away a book from an all-time favorite author. If you know me, you’ve already guessed it’s by Madeleine L’Engle. I’ve got a brand new copy of A Swiftly Tilting Planet just waiting for someone to read it. This is L’Engle’s companion to her Newbery winning A Wrinkle in Time and it’s a classic.
But there’s more. I have another brand new copy of Margaret Peterson Haddix’s Under Their Skin. It’s the first in her newest series for middle grade readers. If you’ve never read anything by Haddix, finish this blog, sign up for the giveaway, then go find her work. She has several amazing series that delve into science fiction, mysterious futures and time travel. 
Finally (there’s more? Yup!). How about a $5 gift card from Amazon to top it off? Here’s the deal. I’ll pick two winners by February 14th. Each winner gets a book AND a $5 Amazon gift card.
All for signing up for a 4 time/year (plus maybe one or two extra extra read all about it) newsletters.
Are you in? Good! Just complete the form below and you’re set. I’ll post winners on the blog by February 15th. To win the books, you’ll need to be a U.S. resident.
Thanks in advance for keeping up with me on this publishing journey! I wish ALL of us a wonderful 2017.
Fill out the form below to subscribe to my author news and enter the contest!
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