Mad About Madeleine Winners and Women’s History Month!

Congratulations to the winners of the A Wrinkle in Time Giveaway! Siobhan won a copy of A Wrinkle in Time with the movie tie-in cover and Christina L. won the movie giftcard! Thanks to everyone who entered. I do hope you’ll take the time to see the movie or read the book. Stay tuned as I hope to do more giveaways as my own books near publication!

This is Women’s History Month and to celebrate, I’ve been doing a little reading on some amazing women. I just finished Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly. You might remember this from the movie that released in 2016. It’s an amazing read about the black, female “computers” that literally helped propel NASA into the space age. These women were on the edge of the space race while confronting gender and racial discrimination throughout their lives and careers.

I’m in the middle of Becoming Madeleine, the biography on Madeleine L’Engle written by granddaughters Charlotte Jones Voiklis and Lena Roy. I’m really enjoying the glimpse into Madeleine’s childhood and how her varied school experiences shaped her as a writer. I especially love the snippets of journal entries written by a young Madeleine that reveal how desperately she wanted to be a famous writer, while also wanting to fit in at school like any other awkward teenager.

I’m hoping to finish out the month with Gift from the Sea. Anne Morrow Lindbergh, a writer, aviator and the wife of Charles Lindbergh, wrote this little gem in 1955 but her words speak across the years to new generations of women on writing, love, marriage, children and anything in between.

What are you reading this month? How are you celebrating amazing women, both those from history and those around you every day?

Author: KS Mitchell

Kimberly (KS) Mitchell is an author of middle grade and young adult fiction. She loves journeys and bases her books off places she's been, or would like to go. Always up for an adventure, she now lives in Portugal and is working on her next book.